Locale based numbers
When you use as_number
or as_percent
(and as_currency
see below) it will create a mask for you and inherit the locale from the Eufemia Provider, if the locale prop is not given.
You can still define extra mask parameters with number_mask
or mask_options
, as the second input example shows (e.g. decimalLimit
Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <Flex.Vertical> <InputMasked label="Number:" as_number mask_options={{ allowNegative: false, }} value="1234.50" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> <InputMasked label="Number (decimal limit):" as_number number_mask={{ decimalLimit: 2, }} value="1234.016" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> <InputMasked label="Percentage:" as_percent number_mask={{ decimalLimit: 1, }} value="1234.016" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> </Flex.Vertical> </Provider>
Locale based When you use as_currency
it will create a mask for you and inherit the locale from the Eufemia Provider, if the locale prop is not given.
Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <Flex.Vertical> <InputMasked label="Currency:" as_currency="EUR" value="1234.50" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> <Provider locale="en-GB" InputMasked={{ currency_mask: { decimalLimit: 3, }, }} > <InputMasked label="Currency:" as_currency="USD" value="1234.567" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> </Provider> </Flex.Vertical> </Provider>
Define the Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <Flex.Vertical> <InputMasked label="Left aligned (default):" show_mask currency_mask="kr" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> <InputMasked label="Right aligned:" show_mask currency_mask={{ currency: 'NOK', }} align="right" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} /> </Flex.Vertical> </Provider>
Customize the number mask
Code Editor
<InputMasked label="Masked amount:" show_mask number_mask={{ suffix: ' kr', allowDecimal: true, }} placeholder_char={null} on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} />
with a combined suffix
Using the kr
Code Editor
<InputMasked label="Masked input:" value="1000000" number_mask={{ suffix: ',-', allowDecimal: false, }} suffix="kr" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(parseInt(numberValue || 0, 10)) }} />
and a prefix
Using the Code Editor
<InputMasked label="Masked input:" number_mask={{ prefix: 'NOK ', }} stretch={true} placeholder="Enter a number" on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} />
Phone Number, starting with 4
Code Editor
<InputMasked label="Masked input:" mask={[ '0', '0', /[4]/, // have to start with 4 /[5-7]/, // can be 5,6 or 7 ' ', /[49]/, // have to start with 4 or 9 /\d/, ' ', /\d/, /\d/, ' ', /\d/, /\d/, ' ', /\d/, /\d/, ]} show_mask placeholder_char="_" keep_char_positions on_change={({ numberValue }) => { console.log(numberValue) }} />